Say what now? Trump's Coronavirus Press Conferences
Should networks and cable news outlets be airing President Trump’s press briefings which are ostensibly to update the public on the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic? In normal times, the answer would be a resounding (and obvious) yes. But many would argue these are not normal times.
Consider this round-up from yesterday’s briefing. There are few headlines more apt than this one:
The 37 most mind-boggling lines from Donald Trump's Sunday coronavirus briefing | CNN
For reasons that are on clear display in this round-up, The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan calls on networks to stop carrying President Trump’s comments live.
The media must stop live-broadcasting Trump’s dangerous, destructive coronavirus briefings | The Washington Post
But other’s argue that, in the tradition of trust in the marketplace of ideas, it’s necessary to air the briefings live. The argument is essentially that the American people are discerning enough to scrutinize whatever President Trump says.
No, It's Not Dangerous To Air Trump's Coronavirus Briefings | Reason
But is that accurate?