Lake Street Dive Meets The New Yorker
Sometimes the universe smiles on me, and my interests align. Here, it's top-notch journalism, podcasts, and music.
The most recent episode of The New Yorker Radio Hour features an interview with one of my favorite bands, Lake Street Dive, and bonus for the listener, they play some songs live in the studio.
The interview focuses on their modest beginnings and how, now 20 years into their careers, they're headlining Madison Square Garden.
To highlight just how modest those beginnings were, consider this:
I interviewed Rachel Price, the powerful and sultry lead singer, for the Columbia Missourian back in 2018.
Hard to overstate their rise in popularity when the move is from Columbia's Stephen's Lake Park and an interview with me to Madison Square Garden and an interview with David Remnick.
But it couldn't happen to a better group. Check out the interview, learn about their chemistry together and their longevity, and get the treat of a few performances.
